Step 3/9
First thing's first, let's define a design direction for your website.
I'll make a moodboard for us so that we can easily share design inspiration with one another.
This will instantly give you a space where you can show me any existing design material you may have, such as logos, colours, typography, photography, other websites that you really like, or even entire other moodboards. Feel free to add anything!
I'll be steadily populating the moodboard with complementary material, mainly in the form of other website designs. Simply let me know what you like and dislike, and I'll reflect your feedback in the future designs.
Moodboards often capture ideas that would otherwise be lost in translation when only describing things verbally, saving you time and money by avoiding additional revision requests later down the line.
Step 4/9
Shortly after receiving the moodboard you'll also be given a sitemap diagram which will outline the structure of your website and give you a bird's-eye view of the user journey.
Even better, you'll receive this diagram, the moodboard, and all other design work on FigJam, making live feedback an absolute breeze. This keeps me continually informed on your style preferences and what you envision the end product to look like.
Step 5/9
Next, I'll give you a detailed wireframe for each page of your website.
Wireframes are skeletal illustrations of a page’s interface. They communicate what content is being prioritised and, most importantly, the intended user behaviours.
Defining a good interface structure is the most important part of designing your website because it directly focuses on fulfilling your business’ key objectives.
Step 6/9
For the final designs I'll populate the wireframes with your content, such as product images or text, and modify the wireframes to reflect your style preferences from the moodboard.
Since the goal of this stage is to fine-tune, we'll conduct three review rounds so you can be absolutely certain that the designs meet your expectations.
Adjusting these final designs is my favourite part of the design process because I finally get to fully hone in on your vision.